

I'm Marek Marusic

Software Engineer

passionate about technology, who is always looking forward to improve himself and learn something new. I am trying to stay at the bleeding edge of tech industry so that I can find and invest time in really world shaping technologies and maybe create some. I love learning, building and passing on the knowledge so that others can go through the same realization but shorten the time for them. I always try to be approachable, kind and helpful to other team members and I am always open to new ideas and suggestions.

My Skills


C#, Python, SQL, Docker, Azure Cloud, Git

Prior experience:

Java, Linux, TypeScript, Angular, Kubernetes, Terraform, Keras, C/C++

I have also worked with these technologies:

OpenMPI, OpenMP, OpenCV, Nette, Wicket, Maven, Express.js, LaTeX, Kotlin, Go,, PaperJS, MySQL, PL/SQL, PostgreSQL, GWT.

card_travel Experience

Software Engineer

place Loepfe Brothers (Switzerland) today October 2019 - Present


• Became the team’s expert for CI/CD topics and MS Azure pipelines.

• Streamlined pipeline setup for new projects by standardizing the release process and creating templates.

• Decreased regressions in new releases of 5 projects by driving the redesign of the existing release processes and implementing trunk-based development.

• Improved code quality by driving the definition of Coding Guidelines and integrating it into CI pipelines.


• Mastered the Azure IoT platform and implemented an end-to-end solution in 5 months using the C#, IoT Edge, CosmosDB, and PowerBi, which is now deployed at 2 customers for evaluation.

• Saved numerous trips to the field by implementing machine simulators that can run in a Docker container.

• Improved maintainability by decoupling the new .NET IoT client app from the legacy app and implementing an IPC between them.


• Created dev, qa, and prod environments for 3 projects by setting up Kubernetes clusters with infrastructure as code using Terraform.

• Introduced Fluent Bit for logging and metrics forwarding to Elasticsearch.

• Reduced our costs for Elasticsearch by decreasing the hot storage and moving older data to the cold storage.


• Supported new colleagues with the understanding of our existing projects by organizing 10 knowledge-sharing sessions and providing technical advice daily.

• Taught about advanced details of our software products at 2 seminars for our customer support.

• Increased traceability of produced devices by creating a system with OpenAPI, MongoDB, and Angular.

• Implemented 90 features in C# used daily on more than 25000 textile winding machines across the world.

Associate Software Engineer

place Red Hat (Czechia) today January 2018 - September 2019

• As a part of JBoss Middleware Runtimes Sustaining Engineering team my responsibilities are development of new features and bug fixes in various components of JBoss products and tools (using Java and Java EE) and mentoring interns in our team.

• Contributed more than 60 PRs to various Open-source projects such as Wildfly,, RESTEasy.

• Optimized data pre-processing time by 30% and memory use by more than 50% of our NLP models and prepared a Docker image with GPU support so that they can be developed and run on developer’s machines.

• Decreased query parameter processing time in RESTEasy framework by 1300x by debugging and fixing performance issues.

• Built features to obtain SSL certificates from Let’s Encrypt and improved the user experience of CLI in the JBoss EAP.

Software Engineering Internship

place Red Hat (Czechia) today April 2017 - December 2017

I worked as an intern in JBoss Sustaining Engineering Team. I mainly work with Java and Java EE technologies. My job was to contribute to the JBoss projects and our tools for release coordination.

Software Quality Assurance Internship

place Red Hat (Czechia) today August 2014 - March 2017 (2y 8m)

As a member of a QE BaseOS Security team my main responsibility was a development of various automatic tests, libraries and tools in Bash, Python and C for security components of RHEL.

Web Developer & Maintainer

place (Slovakia) today Jun 2013 - December 2014 (1y 6m)

As a part time employee I used Opencart platform which I modified to match the needs of my employer. I used PHP, HTML, Javascript and SQL technologies. I deployed the web and after that I did continuous support of the web to meet employer's needs.

school Education

Master of Computer Science - Bioinformatics and biocomputing

place Faculty of Information Technology, BUT today 2016 - 2018

Bachelor of Computer Science

place Faculty of Information Technology, BUT today 2013 - 2016

home_work University Projects

Masters study 2nd year
# Subject Title Technology Points
1 Diploma Thesis Deep neural networks used for customer support cases analysis NLP, Keras Defended and final mark was B
Masters study 1st year
# Subject Title Technology Points
1 BIO Iris recognition C#, EmguCV 16/18
2 PDB Land management Java SE, JavaFX 20/20
3 BIF Dynamic programming Python 13/14
4 BIN/EVO Cellular automata Art C++ 25/25
5 PRL Enumeration sort C++, OpenMPI 10/10
6 PRL Mesh multiplication C++, OpenMPI 6/10
7 ARC CPU heat simulation C++, OpenMP 10/10
8 ARC CPU heat simulation C++, OpenMPI 20/20
9 KRY Secure tunnel C++ 7/7
10 KRY Security evaluator of HTTPS pages C++ 8/8
11 ZRE LPC decoder Go 15/15
12 ZRE Recognition of words HTK 14/14
My Bachelor thesis
# Subject Title Technology Grade
1 Bachelor Thesis Automatization of MitM Attack for SSL/TLS Decryption Python, C B
Bachelors study 3rd year
# Subject Title Technology Points
1 IIS Information system for doctors PHP(nette) 29/30
2 IMP Configurable counter asembler HCS08 12/14
3 IMS Plant growth simulation in Cellular Automata C 20/20
4 ISA SIP client C/C++ 14/15
5 ITU Real time collaborative environment Node.js (, express.js) 47/55
6 ITW Recreate a web page HTML,CSS 20/20
7 IW5 Movies browser C#, Entity FW, WPF 33/70
Bachelors study 2nd year
# Subject Title Technology Points
1 IAL Linked lists and que C 10/10
2 IAL Binary trees C 10/10
3 IFJ Pascal Interpreter C 13/20
4 INP Matrix display writing VHDL 13/13
5 INP Matrix display writing VHDL 19/20
6 ISS Image modification Matlab 11/12
7 IDS Information system model for doctors SQL 32/34
8 IPK Linux users info server C 12.5/15
9 IPP C stats in PHP PHP 9/10
10 IPP XML to DDL script Python 10/10
11 IZG Rabbit rendering C (SDL) 14/18
12 IJA Labyrinth Game Java SE, Swing 100/100
13 ISJ Twitter and phorum scraper Python 36/40
Bachelors study 1st year
# Subject Title Technology Points
1 IZP Wordcounter C 5/5
2 IZP Iterative calculations C 10/10
3 IZP Pattern search C 7/10
4 IUS Documentation for IZP/Project2 - 10/10
5 IUS Information system model - 13.5/20
6 ITO Project - 10/15
7 INC Project VHDL 20/20
8 IOS Bash scripts bash 15/15
9 IOS Semaphores C 14/15
10 IJC Primes by Erathostenes C 12/15
11 IJC Word count and Hash tables C 10/15
12 ITY Typography and Publishing 1 LaTex 10/10
13 ITY Typography and Publishing 2 LaTex 3/15
14 ITY Typography and Publishing 3 LaTex 14/15
15 ITY Typography and Publishing 4 LaTex 15/15
16 ITY Typography and Publishing 5 LaTex 15/15